Welcome to the 2024-25 season of Detling meetings. We would prefer to see you face-to-face but we offer a Zoom link for members who can't get there.

Potential new members, please email InvictaComms@outlook.com or just turn up at Detling on a club night.

INVICTA WELCOMES EVERYONE who is interested in photography, no matter what your level of expertise. We meet at Detling Village Hall, most Thursday evenings between September and May; and our members are all photography enthusiasts from various parts of Kent who meet to share our joint interests.

Invicta is a small friendly club, based on the pleasures gained from taking and viewing photographs and sharing photographic knowledge and skills. We would be pleased to welcome you soon. Just pop along to a Club evening on a Thursday at 7:30 pm for 8:00 pm, and get a feel for what the club is like. Just ask for Ken, Chas, Keith or Andy and they will introduce you to other members.

If you would like any further information please make contact with us by using the "Contact Invicta" selection in the menu above. You will find programmes of our regular meetings, outings and other events under "Info for Members" above. You will find directions to Detling Village Hall (near the A249 north of Maidstone) under "Info for Visitors"

SAVE THE DATE. Our annual fundraising Quiz Night will be November 8. Watch this space for further details.

Website last updated 27 September 2024